Embark on a journey of empowerment and compassion.  Let's turn the inevitable into an opportunity for meaningful reflection and preparation.

This workshop is for you if:

You Value Peace of Mind

This program ensures that your end-of-life wishes are documented and known, providing you and your loved ones with peace of mind.

Look for Comprehensive Guidance

This program is designed for you if you seek comprehensive guidance, covering not just legal and financial aspects but also emotional and personal considerations.

You want to Avoid Last-Minute Decisions

If you want to spare your loved ones from making difficult decisions during a challenging time, our program encourages proactive planning.
a chart saying mindful living

What we cover

End of Life Planning

MODULE 1: Lessening the household headaches

Identify just how your household is organized so make it easier for those after you've gone.

MODULE 2: Determining you life and death values

Discover what these are and then creating your advance healthcare decisions.

MODULE 3: Looking after legals

Discover the options available that best suit your needs, empowering you to confidently move forward with the necessary paperwork *
*This module provides a general overview of the legal considerations in Ecuador. Please note that it does not include obtaining specific legal documents.

MODULE 4: Designing your digital life and finances

Find out the key elements to keep both these areas simple and organized, so those coming after you have the least amount of hassle.

MODULE 5: Taking care of the body

Decide if you want a funeral, what to do if not, and have organized any future celebrations on your name.

What's included

4 Online Sessions (3hrs each aprox)
End of Life Planning Deck Cards
1 Closing Session in person in Cuenca and Quito
Access to Q & A Whatsapp Group
2 Workbooks (Digital & Printed)
Certificate of Completion (Digital)

Normal Price


Today's Price

Course Registration Form (#3)
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